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Rural tourism for organic farming in Georgia


                            Rural tourism for organic farming in Georgia

                                                                 "When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not

                                                                    designed to make you comfortable.

                                                                     It is designed to make its inhabitants comfortable."

                                                                      Clifton Fadiman

Marine Metreveli – Rural Tourism Expert, Executive Director of NGO, International Center

                                for  Caucasus Tourism, Tbilisi, Georgia  

                              Member of Newport (UK) – Kutaisi    International Association

Mzia Kokhia, –  PhD, Institute of Zoology, Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia

The presented article is written within the framework of the project "Healthy Soil for Food Safety", which was established and is currently being implemented by researchers from the Institute of Zoology, Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia. The project is funded by the Rustaveli Foundation. The purpose of my invitation to the project is to help beneficiaries from different regions to raise awareness about rural tourism in general and its importance for organic farming in particular. To be honest, for me it is quite a different challenge to contribute to a rather innovative profile project, and therefore the value of my responsibility is much higher.

    Along with poverty alleviation, migration reduction, gender equality, environmental conservation, rural tourism remains a leading player and, consequently, the main promoter of the spread and development of organic farming, which provides the basic background for the production of safe food that retains such a high value. 

What is the reason for the proposal to provide the project beneficiaries with a training consisting of two topics, namely rural tourism and its relationship with organic farming?

Excerpt from the project "Healthy Soil for Food Safety"

For interdisciplinary development and synergistic effect, joint use and implementation of biological control and organic farming methods is planned in the regions of Georgia. In addition, it is planned to involve the local population in rural/agro-tourism, which will be provided by an agro-tourism expert who will share the

who will share best practices from developed countries. During the training, the expert will raise awareness of the local population in this area.

Ms. Marine Metreveli, as a rural/agritourism expert, will work with local people to promote these tourism destinations. Under her guidance, beneficiaries will be selected and trained in European hospitality standards. . . . Trainer will conduct training for beneficiaries on the following topics:

Ø  International hospitality standards for rural/agro-tourism.

Ø  Role of agritourism in agritourism development.

Ø  Farmer and tourism

Ø  International standards for country family hotels

Ø  Priorities and importance of organic tourism for environmental protect Positive and negative environmental impacts of agritourism


Appropriately 15 years working as a consultant and trainer for sharing the accumulated knowledge in the field of rural/agritourism with the beneficiaries as potential rural tourism entrepreneurs among farmers.  It is well known that Georgia is an agricultural country and many farmers have already signed up for rural tourism to get an additional source of income along with the opportunity to serve tourists There are many benefits to developing rural tourism in Georgia: it can strengthen the local economy, create jobs and new businesses; develop and promote training and certification programs to introduce young people to agriculture and the environment. Rural tourism helps preserve rural lifestyles and landscapes, and provides an opportunity to provide "sustainable" or "green" tourism. Organic farming is a cultural evolution that originates from an ecological culture. In addition, the focus on these products is driven by the demand for healthy food with high quality standards that limit the use of chemicals. The connection of organic agriculture with rural tourism and tourism services is evident. They play an important role in the future development of rural areas. Therefore, one of the objectives of this project is to identify and explore those factors that have helped rural communities to successfully develop rural tourism, in particular organic agritourism, and its entrepreneurial economics. 15 years working as a consultant and trainer to share the accumulated knowledge in the field of rural/agritourism with the beneficiaries as potential rural tourism entrepreneurs among farmers achieved considerable results.  It is well known that Georgia is an agricultural country and many farmers have already signed up for rural tourism to get an additional source of income along with the opportunity to manage service of the tourists There are many benefits to developing rural tourism in Georgia: it can strengthen the local economy, create jobs and new businesses; develop and promote training and certification programs to introduce young people to agriculture and the environment. Rural tourism helps preserve rural lifestyles and landscapes, and provides an opportunity to provide "sustainable" or "green" tourism. Organic farming is a cultural evolution that originates from an ecological culture. In addition, the focus on these products is driven by the demand for healthy food with high quality standards that limit the use of chemicals. The connection of organic agriculture with rural tourism is gradually becoming as positive evidence.    Therefore, one of the objectives of this project is to identify and explore those factors that have helped rural communities to successfully develop in rural tourism.

Nowadays rural population in Georgia faces an acute environmental problem: how to save the ecology and produce eco food products.  A great attention should be paid to the production of ecologically pure food and increase of agricultural crops productivity using organic fertilizers to protect soil and crops from contamination with nitrates, phosphates and other mineral fertilizers.

Rural tourism the same as agritourism and farming tourism   has become one of the popular forms of tourism as major part of the country territory belongs to villages  of  9 regions.

Georgia is an ancient country, renowned for its fascinating history, 8,000-year-old winemaking tradition, the majestic Caucasus Mountains, the Black Sea coastline, climate and biodiversity, healing mineral waters, national parks and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These offerings are further enhanced by its warm hospitality and unique cuisine, making Georgia a delight for green tourism enthusiasts from around Tourism in rural regions of Georgia has a long tradition; however, many structures had been developed during Soviet times under the framework of a centrally planned economy and forced collectivism. Today, Rural
Tourism is widely discussed by the national government and international cooperation partners as a for regional development and an alternative source of employment in agricultural areas.The purpose of this study is to develop suggestions for the institutionalization of Rural Tourismin the country and to propose relevant actions. Research methods comprised a document analysis, qualitativeinterviews with various stakeholders, and focus group discussions. We analyzed recent tendencies and challenges of rural tourism development in Georgia with a focus on the concept of community-based tourism and integrated rural development. We also review the challenges of the current structure of tourism marketing on the national level with regard to Rural Tourism products. The key findings of the research include recommendations to create a central leading structure for rural tourisational level, which will work on strategic issues and general norms of Rural Tourism.

At the same time, we propose the development of destination management organizations, which will integrate general provisions in regional legislation and marketing in close cooperation with lstakeholders  

Adjara Region – one of the most popular tourism destination at the Black Sea Coast.


Followed EU Leonardo project Georgia launched involving rural population in the tourism industry initiated not leaving their households and raising capacity for management and finding financial sources. cal authorities. Thousands of local people from EU countries were invited to participate in a training course on rural tourism management, i.e. the basic principles of organizing activities adapted to the International Rural Hospitality Standards. The future entrepreneurs faced a number of challenges dictated by regulations and requirements. Most of the motivated locals were successfully certified and started preparing to receive guests committed to rural tourism.

A little later, the same processes started in Georgia. In 2007, thanks to mountain resort village of Utsera, Upper Racha region: Experts   provided the population of Utsera with the first training and best practices.


In 2014 was published the first book: “Sustainable Rural Tourism International Standards in Georgia” (Metreveli, 2014)

               Utsera, Upper Racha. 300-years old house  -  Rural Tourism Center from 2017


This issue is presented to every certified beneficiary.

FollowEd UNWTO 

Program ST-EP

Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating ‎Poverty

Large-scale rural tourism is not yet a mature practice in Georgia, but experts are all optimistic about its prospects since many rural areas are rich in tourism resources, which are attracting more and more holiday makers.

Tourism is one of the engines of world development, which can help three fourth extremely poor population living in rural areas worldwide to better shake off poverty.

The advantage of rural tourism lies in the fact that poor people can gain benefits from other's business strategies and existing markets, the official said, and it can drive a large number of people out of poverty. So we should encourage tourism enterprises to employ poor people in large numbers and to provide job opportunities for them.

The root of poverty lies in low-level skills of people, experts hold, while rural tourism can not only help to better economic conditions of farmers, but create opportunities for them to raise cultural and sci-tech quality.

Gona, Upper Racha. Settlement near Mamisoni Pass. Alt. 2.911 m.


Tourism is an effective "exploring way" of poverty alleviation, said an official from the National Tourism Administration. People who get rich through tourism have a lower rate of returning to poverty and they can be embarked on the road of wealth faster (Metreveli, 2016).

International Center for Caucasus Tourism in the partnership with Kutaisi Newport International Association holds that the function of rural tourism should to be reflected in various aspects our comprehensive and collaborative activities. We’ve adopted the decision to add RT issues to the priorities. We make sure that development of rural tourism should be combined with the building of a well-off society in an all-round way and the tackling of problems related to local population alternative income, living conditions raise in rural areas and especially women’s involvement in tourism industry.



M. Kokhia, V. Merabishvili, E. Kakhiani 2016. Georgia – Marvelous Land of Tourism. Researches and Reports. Tbilisi, LTD “BENE”, P.225

M. Metreveli, 2014. “Sustainable Rural Tourism International Standards in Georgia”, LTD “BENE”, Tbilisi, P. 45

M. Metreveli, 2016. If you want to achieve a success in tourism management, this book is for you”.  LTD “BENE”, Tbilisi, P. 85


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