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Perspectives: Integration of Georgia to the Euro-Atlantic Structures

Perspectives of the Integration of Georgia to the Euro-Atlantic Structures 

*Dr. Nika Chitadze, **Abdulmelik Alkan, Phd.c,  ***Ketevan Jebisashvili, 

Within the last period of in the western political analyst's community, the possibilities of admission of Georgia NATO by accelerated rule, particularly without spreading the article 5th, responsibilities of NATO over the occupied territories of Georgia. This approach should exist before the final resolution of the conflicts and resolution of the historic parts of Georgia. -Abkhazia and former South Ossetia Autonomous District as Luke Coffey, from Heritage Foundation underlined in his report that “NATO Membership for Georgia is for the U.S. and European Interest” further he mentioned that government of Georgia should declare about the approach that it will not mandate the 5th article of collective security over the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali District (former South Ossetia). Automatically mean to recognize de facto “independence” of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali district? Talking into account the above-mentioned position the several questions can emerge:
-First, will Georgia join the NATO without occupied territories if it does, does it automatically means to recognize de facto " independence" of Abkhazia and Tskinvali district?

- Second, Can initiative from the west be used by pro-Russian forces in Georgia, for the declaration, that NATO offers to Georgia the membership to the Alliance instead of recognizing the independence of two historic parts of Georgia and increase the anti-western propaganda?
- Third, does Georgia need the entrance to NATO if responsibilities of the alliance would not be spread over the occupied territories?
Furthermore: What can be the possible reaction from the Russian side to this initiative - Will all NATO member states have consensus on this initiation?
The answers to all above-mentioned questions will be the following:
If Georgia joins NATO, it will join the alliance in those borders, which are recognized by the international community after the restoration of the national independence of Georgia. As it is known, Georgia is a member of more than 200 intergovernmental Organizations regional, sub-regional and international and in each of the country has joined with Abkhazia and Tskhinvali district. Each NATO member country in comparison with Russia recognizes the territorial integrity of Georgia and will take the responsibility for the protection of the territory of Georgia which is under the control of Georgian state. Entrance to NATO is strategically significant. The main purpose of Russia is not to support Abkhazia or so-called South Ossetia, but official Kremlin`s aim is to abolish or weaken the Georgian statehood or to force Georgia to change its foreign policy orientation. Accordingly (and it is also mentioned in the document National Security Concept) it is expected the threat of the second direct aggression from the Russian side. So, if article 5 is spread over 80% of the territory of Georgia, the country will be protected from the second aggression from the North.With regard to the possible actions from the Russian side, it can be assumed, that,it can be assumed, that, if west continues sanctions against Russia and more clearly fixes the support of Georgia - as it was done in case of Baltic countries at the beginning of 90-th, when official Kremlin was forced to analyze the de-facto realities in the Baltic region and recognize the independence of three Baltic states and unofficially assume the three countries as a part of western community. The way of Euro-Atlantic integration remains the absence of consensus among the NATO member states. But, in comparison from 2008, when during the Bucharest summit of NATO, several European states, most probably by the taking into consideration the Russian factor, did not support European the idea of the granting the MAP (Membership Action Plan) to Georgia and Ukraine, but, today all of them recognize that Russia is aggressor state (after occupation of Crimea in 2014). All of them recognize that Russia is aggressor state (after the occupation of Crimea in 2014). Main obstacles on the way of Euro-Atlantic Integration of Georgia Together with the discussion about possibilities of the entrance of Georgia to NATO, it should be reviewed the parallel with the Russian factor and absence of consensus among the should be reviewed the parallel with the Russian factor and absence of consensus among the NATO member states related to the enlargement of the Alliance, it should be pointed out about the following:
Weakness of democratic institutions in the country: Despite the fact that NATO is politico-military organization, at the same time, it is the international regional organization-which includes as a members-only democratic states – NATO is composed of democratic countries which are working jointly on collective security issues- relation with the development of democratic institutions, Georgia has a leading democratization positions in the post-soviet space, according to “Freedom House” report, as to 2017, Georgia is still considered as a partly free state (Aggregate Score: 64 from 100). Despite the fact that NATO is a politico-military organization, at the same time, it is the international regional organization-which includes as a members-only democratic states – NATO is composed of democratic countries which are working jointly on collective security issues- relation with the development of democratic institutions, Georgia has a leading democratization position in the post-soviet space, according to “Freedom House” report, as to 2017, Georgia is still considered as a free state (Aggregate Score: 64 from 100).
Problems with socio-economic development :
Despite some reforms on the way of strengthening the principles of market economy, as of the December 2016, GDP per capita in Georgia did not prevail 3,864.62 USD. NATO is not the only community of democratic states, but it is also the principles of market economy, as of the prevail 3,864.62 USD. NATO is not the only community of democratic states, but it is also the community of economically developed states. Thus, Georgia can provide the limited financial contributions to the Alliance.
Contributions to the Alliance:
Negative Attitude of society in NATO member states about possible Georgia’s Alliance `s membership concerning that, Georgia’s entry into the organization would trigger a war with Russia over its’ occupied territories of the Tskhinvali region and Abkhazia. Main strengths on the way of Euro-Atlantic Integration of Georgia Geographical Location: Georgia's geopolitical parameters is distinguished by megaprojects of transport -geographical location. It’s territory is an axis of Europe - Caucasus - Asia transport. It also constitutes energy corridor (TRACECA), as well it is the shortest transit line which connects with the countries of Eurasia. At the same time, Georgia can contribute to the functioning of "Great Silk Road".

Transport and energy projects: Georgia is aware of its role in energy resources from the Caspian Sea and Central Asian regions via alternative routes. Georgia’s Black Sea ports (turnover of goods of Poti port is between 6-8 million tonnes per year, and future capacity of Anaklia port will be about seven million tonnes, the Baku-Supsa (capacity five million tonnes of oil) and Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan(capacity 50 million tonnes) oil pipelines, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline(capacity 8 billion cubic meters).These active projects are strategically important for both regions and rest of the world. Georgia is determined to ensure the effective functioning of these existing projects and to develop prospective new ones- such as TANAP project (Capacity from 16 to 32 Billion cubic meters). In this regard it should be mentioned - that the Implementation of the TANAP (Trans - Anatolian pipeline) TAP (Trans - Adriatic) projects will promote the further integration of Georgia to the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. It will solidify Georgian vision toward its aspiration. In case of the TANAP and TAP projects realization, European states, countries from South-East Europe will be more interested in the stability of Georgia, as a transit country in the gas transportation process so they will be more interested in the NATO membership of Georgia. Together with energy projects, Georgia is an active participant in such important transport project – as the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway project. The initiative is intended to establish a transport corridor linking Azerbaijan to Turkey through the territory of Georgia by rail. At the same time, the next step is to connect China with Central Asia, Caucasus, and Europe via railway system - For example, in late 2015, a goods train took only 15 days to travel from South Korea to Istanbul through China, transportation of goods by vessel. The railway line is intended to provide transportation an initial annual volume of 6.5 million tonnes with the long-term perspectives to increase the volume of goods up to 17 million tonnes. Projects will promote the further integration of Georgia to the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. In case of the projects realization, European states, will be more interested in the stability of Georgia as a transit country in the gas and different types of goods transportation stability of Georgia as a transit country in the gas and different types of goods transportation process to Europe and from Europe to the far East via territory of Georgia, therefore, they will be more interested in the NATO membership of Georgia. Peacekeeping and anti-terrorist operations, led by NATO:
Particularly, The Georgian Kosovo Contingent (about 150 military servicemen) was a Georgian first military deployment, from 1999 to 2008, as part of the NATO-led international peacekeeping force in Kosovo, which was responsible for establishing a secure environment in Kosovo. Georgia provided one of the largest military contributions to the U.S.-led Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Georgia strongly supported the U.S.-led military operation in Iraq and deployed troops to the country in August 2003. Georgia initial deployment grew up to 800 soldiers troop and then increased to 2,300 soldiers in mid- 2008. In addition to participation in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM from 2005 to 2008. Georgia also contributed a battalion of approximately 550 troops to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI). The Georgia contingent was first deployed to Afghanistan in 2004 to take part in the NATO-led ISAF mission. So far, Georgia has over 1,560 soldiers in Afghanistan making the country the largest non-NATO troop contributor to the ISAF mission. From January 1, 2015, after the finishing ISAF mission NATO started new operation called the NATO-led ISAF mission. “Resolute Support” for the assistance of the Afghan Army and Security Forces. Among the 13 thousand military servicemen, Georgia is represented by 870 Military servicemen in this mission.
Military Spending:  The military budget of NATO  member states should be 2% of GDP. These criteria have complied with only 3 countries. Today it is being considered that till 2024, this requirement pledge limit must be met by 15 countries among of 29. In Georgia, this index already prevails 2% of GDP within the several years period. Furthermore, NATO requires at least 20% of the military budget expenditures should be released. Georgia already fulfills those standards of the Alliance. Geopolitical factors: Obviously during the Warsaw Summit of NATO, it was adopted the decision about activation of NATO policy in the Black Sea Region. Strengthening positions of the Alliance in the strategically important Black Sea Region, which is located on the boundary between NATO and Russia. It will be impossible without taking into account the position of Turkey in the Region. For example, for the entrance of the NATO`s military ships to the Black Seaspace, it is necessary to cross the Bosporus and Dardanelle Channels via territory of Turkey with the respect of the Monteux convention of 1936 about the deployment of the foreign military ships in the Black Sea of NATO policy in the Black Sea Region. Strengthening positions of the Alliance in the strategically important Black Sea Region, which is located on the boundary between NATO and Russia. It will be impossible without taking into account the position of Turkey in the Region. For example, for the entrance of NATO`s military ships to the Black Seaspace, it is necessary to cross the Bosporus and Dardanelle Channels via the territory of Turkey with the respect of the Monteux.Taking into consideration the deterioration of the relations between Turkey and the West, because of the domestic policies of Ankara and the Syrian crisis, diplomatic brawl with several democratic western countries. It is relations between Turkey and the West,  It is gradually increasing the Euro-skepticism and anti-American dispositions in the political elite of NATO member country Turkey. Accordingly, the west, mainly USA looks for a reliable alternative partner in the region, from the eastern coast of the Black Sea. In this case, the role the stable partner from the wide Black Sea area in favor of the west can play Georgia. Public support of NATO integration: According to the different surveys,- having been implementing in Georgia since 2006 demonstrate that, more than 60% of the population of Georgia supported the idea of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Georgia. For example, based on of the new survey conducted by the Caucasus Research Resource Center Georgia, both NATO and EU membership is perceived as favorable. 67% respondents support Georgia`s NATO integration while 20% said no. Meanwhile, 73% of respondents were in favor or partially supporting joining the EU, with only 14% were disfavor. 
Foreign-policy priorities:
It can be assumed - that Georgia is practically the only country in the post-soviet space (except Baltic countries), clearly declares its desire to become the plenipotentiary part of the International Democratic Society. Despite the weakness of the democratic institutions (as it was mentioned above), in comparison to the most of the post-soviet republics, Georgia is partly free state. Georgia, respectively with a significant geostrategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has historically been a geographic, political and cultural part of Europe. Therefore, integration into European and Euro-Atlantic political, economic and security systems is the firm will of Georgian people.

Georgia pursues strives to become a NATO member but we actually can again ask the fundamental question: Why NATO?. Clearly, our take is that NATO means and represent a lot to the world. To some, it is the important military bloc and political coalition, while to others it is an irritant. But, what specifically does NATO membership signify for Georgia?
The first view is that NATO membership is a very effective tool for political and security reform. The second, NATO is a club in which members can contribute to state building. In this second view, NATO membership is seen as a destination; - to which a country can arrive only if it has completed the process of state building. The aspiration security reform. The aspiration to join NATO raises the question “Where is Georgia heading? The answer is toward integration with the Euro-Atlantic family. It is important to note that Georgia has somewhat different road to travel toward NATO membership than the Baltic Republics or other Eastern European countries had. Although the Baltic States were administered by the USSR, they were perceived internationally as having legitimate claims to statehood throughout the Soviet period. Georgia, on the contrary, had to establish a modern statehood in the context of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the rampant conflict and confusion that was left in its wake. Legitimate claims to statehood throughout the Soviet period. Georgia, on the contrary, had to establish a modern statehood in the context of the disintegration of the Soviet state. The standards for joining NATO are different now than they were in the 1950s. Georgia understands that the NATO integration requires real democratic development. Therefore, the democratic character of the state is paramount. The democratic character of the state is paramount. It seeks a secure environment for its own existence and for the life and improvement of its citizens.The insecure environment in its location and region, Georgian NATO membership will guarantee a shield of protection.

*Director, Center for International Studies
 International Black Sea University

**Ph.d.c, Invited Lecturer, International Relations
International Black Sea University 

 ***Research Fellow, Center for International Studies

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