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Ukraine for a just peace!

 Ukraine for a just peace!

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's meeting with Donald Trump, despite its tense rhetoric, reaffirmed Ukraine's unwavering stance: peace must be just and cannot entail concessions that would effectively grant Russia an advantage. The Ukrainian leader demonstrated a readiness to engage in negotiations only if Ukraine's sovereignty is preserved and security guarantees are ensured. Zelensky, as the leader of the Ukrainian people, rejected "capitulationist peace agreements" that disregard the interests of the Ukrainian populace and fail to hold the aggressor accountable.

Immediately following the unsuccessful conversation with Trump, leading global figures expressed clear support for Zelensky and Ukraine. In their statements, the Presidents of France, Poland, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasized the necessity of strengthening efforts against Russian aggression and continuing to provide Ukraine with military and economic assistance. In response, the President of Ukraine confirmed: "He will not allow conditions to be dictated from a position of strength, citing the historical experience of failed agreements with Russia." Such a principled rejection of external pressure showcases Zelensky's leadership qualities, acknowledged by American politicians as well. Senator Adam Schiff referred to the meeting with Trump as a confrontation between a "hero and a coward." The German Chancellor, along with the Presidents of France and Poland, firmly stated that Ukraine would not be left alone, even if political shifts occur in the U.S. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez openly sided with Ukraine, joined by the leaders of Portugal and Lithuania. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, commenting on the behavior of Donald Trump and Senator Vance, directly labeled their stance as a "shameful show" and asserted that Washington deserves better policy.

Importantly, despite diplomatic disputes, the visit to Washington did not close the door to further negotiations, and Zelensky continues communication with Western partners, with new meetings planned in London. The President of Ukraine understands that a mere ceasefire without commitments from the Kremlin would only freeze the conflict and lead to future casualties. At the same time, voices of dissent against Trump's position are also emerging in the U.S. Former presidential advisor John Bolton emphasized that Trump and Vance do not reflect the majority of Americans' views, and their pro-Russian remarks are personal opinions not aligned with Washington's official line.

Ultimately, Zelensky has proven that he does not compromise on principles even under intense pressure. Since 2014, diplomacy with Russia has shown its ineffectiveness, as the Kremlin consistently violates international law. The President of Ukraine also reminded that Putin harbors deep animosity towards the Ukrainian people, so any proposals to "simply cease fire" without protection guarantees actually play into Russia's hands. Nevertheless, Kyiv's willingness to continue dialogue with allies reflects a commitment to peace based on justice and the protection of national interests—not agreements imposed under the threat of capitulation.

Wasyl Ostapiak – Ph.D., professor at the Department of Public Management and Administration of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)


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