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With the beginning of his fifth presidential term, Vladimir Putin intensified his attempts to influence the political elites of EU countries, which is leading to significant destabilization in the region. Terrorist attacks have become one of the key elements of this strategy, serving as a tool for reformatting power and influencing neighboring countries. The first signal of the "new era of terrorism" was the attack on the town hall in Crocus, which turned out to be only the beginning of a large-scale campaign of terrorist attacks.

One of the most striking examples of this strategy is the attempted murder of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. This incident is compared to the "Shot in Sarajevo", which became the prologue to World War I. Such a scenario is considered to be Putin's attempt to recreate the paradigm of the Russian Empire from the beginning of the 20th century. However, the modern world and the West do not respond to such actions in the same way as they did in 1914, despite Russian propaganda efforts to demonize the West.

The activities of Russian agents in EU countries and the USA, especially in the Republic of Poland, where Russian groups of agents operate and where judge of the 2nd Provincial Administrative Court Tomasz Schmidt and perhaps others... were involved in espionage, show the scale of the secret war that Putin is waging. Russian ideologue Oleksandr Dugin, known for his ultra-patriotic views and closeness to Putin, interprets the assassination of Fico as a challenge to globalist forces. However, the reality may be more prosaic: Russia may have stopped supporting some of its satellites in an attempt to change the political situation both in Russia itself and in allied countries.

According to information, 71-year-old Juraj Tsintula, who attacked Fico, may be associated with the pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenský Branci, which cooperated with the Russian "Night Wolves". This group has been operating in Slovakia since 2012, and its members were trained by former Russian special forces.

This attempt is beneficial neither to Ukraine nor to the West. Although Fico has openly expressed his position on the Russian invasion, which contrasts with the position of other European countries, his attack threatens a peace summit that is important for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. This may complicate further European support for Kiev in a military confrontation with Russia. President Zelensky immediately reacted to this attempt, expressing shock and concern.

The attack on Fico may be a Russian operation "under a foreign flag" aimed at discrediting Ukraine on the eve of the Peace Summit and the efforts of the Ukrainian authorities to obtain security guarantees and assistance from the West.

However, there are other versions of events. In particular, the possibility that the attack was carried out by a lone fanatic dissatisfied with government policy. Radicalism is once again gaining momentum in Europe, affecting electoral processes and the overall state of the continent. The large number of migrants and displaced persons from Russia creates an atmosphere of radicalism.

The situation in Slovakia and other Russian satellite countries, such as Hungary, shows deepening financial and social problems. Being in the orbit of Russian influence only deepens these problems, causing public dissatisfaction. The attack on Fico may be the result of banal population dissatisfaction caused by economic and social difficulties.

There is one conclusion: being a Russian satellite or partner is becoming more and more dangerous. Putin's policy of reforming the political elites of allied countries leads to increased instability and threats in the region, which may have unpredictable consequences for the whole of Europe.


Wasyl Ostapiak – Ph.D., professor at the Department of Public Management and Administration of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)


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