M ARIUSZ DZIEDZIC VAKHTANG MAISAIA E NERGY S ECURITY AND M ILITARY C ONFLICTS – S YRIAN C ONFLICT C ASESTUDY I NTRODUCTION : The importance of energy security in global affairs. Energy security is a crucial aspect of global affairs due to its significant impact on political, economic, and social dimensions. It refers to the reliable and uninterrupted access to affordable energy resources, both domestically and through international trade, to meet the energy needs of nations and ensure their stability and development. Here's an overview of the importance of energy security: − Economic Stability: Energy is the lifeblood of modern economies, driving industrial production, transportation systems, and technological advancements. Access to secure and affordable energy resources is vital for sustained economic growth, job creation, and overall prosperity. Energy security helps mitigate price volatility, supply disruptions, and market uncertainties that can have adverse ...