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The NATO summit, which will be held in Washington, promises to be a decisive event in the field of international relations, because the participants of the summit have to solve important issues that directly affect the security of the EU and the whole world, taking into account the aggressive policy of Russia led by Putin.


One of the key issues that will arise at the summit is the development of asymmetric countermeasures against Russia, which has become the biggest threat to world security. This approach opens up an opportunity for NATO to adapt its policy and increase assistance to Ukraine. The Russian invasion of Ukraine remains one of the main global problems and NATO allies have an opportunity to demonstrate their unity in confronting the Russian imperial threat. Recognizing Russia as the main threat will also help unite the efforts of the international community in providing Ukraine with the necessary support to protect its territory and population.


It is expected that the summit will bring concrete results that will help Ukraine better defend itself against the Russian aggressor. Air defense is one of the key areas where NATO can provide significant support. Ukraine needs reliable protection of its large cities from missile attacks and the creation of an air defense "umbrella", which will be an important step in this direction thanks to the F-16 and Patriot air defense systems.


The countries of the North Atlantic Alliance should take a unanimous position on providing Ukraine with a clear path to NATO membership, and such a decision will not only strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities, but also provide Kyiv with the necessary security guarantees for the future, and strengthen the EU's eastern flank. An official invitation to NATO membership will significantly strengthen Ukraine's negotiating position in any future negotiations with Russia.


For Ukraine, this will be a recognition of its efforts and achievements in reforming the defense sector and ensuring national security. NATO membership will also be a symbol of solidarity and support from the international community, which is extremely important in the context of today's geopolitical challenges.


Ukrainians hope that NATO will play a leading role in supplying Ukraine with the necessary equipment to achieve victory in the war with Russia. The US and NATO allies should use the summit as an opportunity to realize a strategic victory for Ukraine. Increasing the production of weapons and ammunition, both for our own needs and to support the Ukrainian army, is the key to resolving one of the most dangerous conflicts of our time. A stable and high-quality supply of weapons and ammunition will also allow Ukraine to effectively defend itself and reduce the combat potential of Russian-terrorist forces and will contribute to the protection of Ukrainian civilians.


In conclusion, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the war in Ukraine showed the need to update NATO's security structures. The Alliance must adapt to new challenges facing the world, including hybrid attacks, disinformation, sabotage and assassinations by Russian saboteurs in the EU and around the world. Ukraine can provide its experience in conducting modern mobile and high-tech warfare, which is why the 2024 NATO Washington Summit should become an important milestone in strengthening European security and supporting Ukraine. It is clear that Russia is the main threat to world security, and providing Ukraine with a clear path to NATO membership and coordinating efforts to supply the necessary equipment will contribute to achieving peace and stability in the region. NATO must demonstrate its unity and determination in countering Russia's aggressive actions, providing a reliable defense for all its members and partners.


Oleg Bilous, political scientist, Ukraine


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