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Ukraine is fighting, Ukraine is drowning in an eternal war with Russia, and only the Western democratic world can stop this bloody destruction of the Ukrainian people, people, and children. Moscow does not stop and destroys peaceful cities and villages with its bombs and missiles, destroys residential buildings, hospitals where there is no military personnel. In fact, this confrontation between barbaric Russians and Ukrainians has been going on for hundreds of years. Barbarians, Russians, bloody murderers brutally and hatefully beat their enemies. This war is now open, but it is also secret, because Moscow does not stop and kills everyone who poses a threat to it.


This was the case, for example, in a small town in Great Britain in Saltsbury, when Russian FSB agents tried to kill Mr. Skripal. Muscovites use the same tactics to kill those Ukrainians who pose a threat to Russia.


Such was the demonstrative murder of Ukrainian public and political figure Iryna Farion on June 19, 2024. There may not be direct evidence that Russia is involved in this, but in the conditions of a war with Ukraine, the biggest such beneficiary can only be the criminal power in the Kremlin. The tactics of murder, intimidation and threats are classic actions that have always been used by the KGB, and are now being used by Russia to destroy Ukrainian identity, to destroy all Ukrainians, to destroy simply everyone who opposes Russia around the world.


What is Russia trying to demonstrate with such murders?

-          first of all, it is the intimidation of active citizens who oppose Moscow. Who oppose Russian encroachments and Russian barbarism;

-          secondly, Moscow is trying to show the inability of the Ukrainian government to protect its citizens, this is a kind of psychological pressure on the people of Ukraine, with the aim of intimidating all those who resist;

-          thirdly, such a murder of I.Farion should demonstrate, as it were, the division of Ukraine, due to the alleged misunderstanding between Russian-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians, although everyone in Ukraine understands that we are not fighting for language, but for democracy.


Western countries should understand that Ukraine is fighting a very aggressive and cunning enemy. Such an enemy is Russia, with its system of deterrence and intimidation. Russia is very dangerous and knows how to manipulate, knows how to deceive, because the Russians have been doing it for decades with the countries of the democratic world. It's time to change the approach to Russia and isolate this dangerous country, which tends to bloody murders, pogroms and abuse of civilians.


            Wasyl Ostapiak – Ph.D., professor at the Department of Public Management and Administration of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)



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